“The Rooted Body
& The Winged Heart”
Awaken to the intelligence of your body & discover the magnificence of your heart
Awaken to the intelligence of your body & discover the magnificence of your heart
Have you ever wondered if there is more to life?
If you are meant to be more? To do more?
This course is grounded in the teachings of Psychosynthesis & Movement Medicine designed to guide you into a process of personal and spiritual development providing you with some practices and practical tools to support your journey of inner liberation.
We chose a magical place for this workshop the Academie Kraaybeekerhof, at Diederichslaan 25, 3971 PA Driebergen-Rijsenburg https://kraaybeekerhof.nl
This place is embedded in nature where the energies are very special, this will support us in quieting our mind so we can land in ourselves and deeply meet our body, heart and soul.
Every day we will have 2 seminars of 3.5 hours each, starting at 10:00 and ending at 18:00.
Together we will have a wonderful vegetarian lunch.
This is a non-residential workshop, but if you choose to stay in the area there are some hotels in the vicinity.
Livia Frischer – Workshop holder
Psychosynthesis therapist & teacher
Movement Medicine facilitator
Noor Maas | Frederick Nathanael |
Hapthotherapist | Psychologist & Psychosynthesis therapist |
When your awareness is more rooted in your body, you can tap into the amazing intelligence of your body. The connection with the intelligence of your moving body will make you feel more present, solid and safe in your skin. It will strengthen your ability to stay grounded and stable, even when it is storming around you. Your awakened and rooted awareness will also help you connect with strong energetic resources within and around you. That will support and empower your life. Once you are more present in your body, you will also gain more access to and deepen your emotional intelligence.
As we grow up, we learn what is acceptable in our family and culture. Therefore we develop defences and behavior patterns to mask our feelings and censor our emotional intelligence. These patterns keep repeating themselves automatically and unconsciously, and we spend enormous amounts of energy repressing and denying what we feel. As a result we get disconnected from our heart, the energetic center of our feelings. These old defences are now diminishing our capacity to make changes and feel free to be and do what we dream of. They are obstacles for connecting to our true potential and power. The winged heart is a metaphor for the magnificence of our human heart which is a portal to our multidimensionality. The heart carries the core essence of who we truly are, making it the most important place within and therefore the most guarded and defended place. It is important that we begin liberating our hearts, because without a deep connection with the heart, we can not break through the obstacles that hold us back. When we connect to the heart’s complexity, wisdom, and energetic power, we gain access to a most powerful resource that will empower us to live the life we truly long for.
Day 1-The Rooted Body
Moving our awareness into the body and through embodied practice of mindful movements you will connect to your sensing moving body and coming to know more of the intelligence of your own body. Connecting through awareness, movement and imagination to the presence of the great resources in Nature. Opening up, moving and dancing with the presence and qualities of the 5 elements; Earth, Fire, Water, Air, and Ether.
Day 2-The 4 chambers of the heart
Our work with the Emotional Heart is about claiming and growing our emotional intelligence, it is not about getting rid of feelings but more about working with their medicine. The heart can evolve to experience life in all its colors and emotions. As we give our bodies more and more to the moving intelligence of life that is the dance, we can discover new shapes or patterns to experience and express our emotions. We will connect to the elemental aspects of the emotional heart that will help us notice our feelings, name them and move with them, then the emotional intelligence that is intrinsic to all emotions will reveal itself.
Day 3-“The wings of the heart”
Rising our consciousness to the higher dimensions of the heart; The Archetypal/ Transpersonal Heart and The Spiritual Heart, we will call for support from the archetypal dimension and may even have a glimpse into The Spiritual Heart and the light of the soul.
10:00 – 13:30 & 14:30 – 18:00
organizer: noormaas@hotmail.com
Academie Kraaybeekerhof: https://kraaybeekerhof.nl – Diederichslaan 25, 3971 PA Driebergen-Rijsenburg
Is it the right workshop for me? Contact me for a free Zoom meeting consultation.