Keynote speaker at Psykoterapi-konferansen

Thon Hotell Oslo, Norway

We start the conference with an international inspiration from Livia Frischer, who will open the opening ceremony on Friday! Livia Frischer's inspirational lecture: "Open the gates and lower the bridge […]

The Earth is Our Being

Sekem farm Cairo, Egypt

Recovering the sacredness in nature and self as a commitment to unity (Tawhid) We invite you to join us for a three-day retreat at SEKEM Farm which involves teachings; practices such as Zikr, meditation, […]

The Keys to Liberation: A Journey of Soulful Discovery.

I am currently enrolling clients for this retreat. 6 DAYS of deep psycho-spiritual development, providing you with important keys: deep processes, different practices and practical tools, to support your inner […]

Sacred Space – Transpersonal supervisory laboratory

Norsk forening for psykosynteseterapeuter har gleden av å invitere til et solid helgeseminar med en av psykosyntesens
sterkeste internasjonale stemmer kjent for sin enestående evne til å formidle psykosyntesens transpersonlige kjerne.
This transpersonal supervisory space aims to support the therapists to communicate with their own inner voices, images and symbols and
uncover, beyond the level of skills and experience improvement, the subtle potential of their spiritual unconscious. The approach of ‘Seeing
Form the Heart’ will create an inclusive and accepting atmosphere to freely experiment, explore and over-view the work with clients and be
open to hear and receive the guidance of the Soul instead of only hearing the voices of their judgmental super-ego.

The Keys to Liberation: A Journey of Soulful Discovery.

I am currently enrolling clients for this retreat. 7 DAYS of deep psycho-spiritual development, providing you with important keys: deep processes, different practices and practical tools, to support your inner […]

Building your inner sanctuary

I am currently enrolling clients for this retreat. 7 DAYS of deep psycho-spiritual development, providing you with important keys: deep processes, different practices, and practical tools, to support your next […]